The new Copilot Plus PCs, which come with Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors by default, are being introduced by Microsoft in collaboration with more than six laptop manufacturers, including Asus with the Vivobook S 15. Even though they represent a significant change in the hardware options available for Windows laptops, the Vivobook S 15 would make you unaware of this. The Vivobook is a very traditional notebook, and while it is enjoyable to use, Asus’ cautious approach makes it more difficult to suggest.
Specs and features
Without question, the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processor is the headliner of this show. The Asus Vivobook S 15, which I was sent for evaluation, has the Elite variant, which has two extra processing cores than the Snapdragon X Plus. Like other mid-range Windows laptops, the Snapdragon is paired with a 1TB solid-state drive and 16GB of RAM.
- Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon XE 78 100
- Memory: 16 GB LPDDR5; Qualcomm Adreno for graphics and the GPU
- Display: 15.6-inch OLED with a refresh rate of 120 Hz and HDR.
- 1TB PCIe Gen 4 solid-state disk for storage
- 1080p webcam with dual microphone array and physical privacy shutter; two USB-C 4 ports; two USB-A 3.2 Gen 1 ports; one HDMI 2.1 port; one 3.5mm combo audio port; microSD card reader
- Networking: Bluetooth 5.4, Wi-Fi 7.
- Windows Hello facial recognition as a biometric
- Power reserve: 70 watt-hours
- 13.88 x 8.93 x 0.63 inches in dimensions
- 3.13 pounds in weight
- Retail price: $1,299.99
The base model, which comes with a 512GB solid-state drive and the Snapdragon X Plus, is priced at USD 1,099. The device I evaluated cost $1,299 and came with a 1TB solid-state drive and Snapdragon Elite. For a Windows computer with a Qualcomm processor, that is not too pricey (the least expensive starts at $999).
Design and build quality
I encourage Asus employees who oversee the company’s design to read this review and come up with a new style that makes ASUS laptops stand out. I have been reviewing laptops for long enough to recall the amazing “concentric circle” design used by the firm to identify Asus machines. The Asus Vivobook S 15 is as tasteless in comparison.
My grievances are specific. The laptop’s silver aluminum casing has the most generic appearance and feel when it is closed. When the laptop is opened, the interior is identical in terms of feel and appearance, and a plain silver keyboard that extends throughout the interior does not exactly match the shine and color of the laptop’s body, as is common with such keyboards. Unfortunately, compared to other Asus Vivobook and Zenbook laptops I have reviewed over the past few years, I think it is even less distinctive.
On the other hand, the Vivobook S 15’s construction quality wins out. With a weight of just 3.13 pounds and a thickness of just 0.63 inches, this laptop is small and light. Even with the display lid somewhat flexing when opened, it feels inflexible when taken up. Compared to a standard LG Gram or Acer Swift laptop, which is somewhat lighter but about equal in girth, the Vivobook S 15 is notably stiffer.
On the other hand, the Vivobook S 15’s construction quality wins out. With a weight of just 3.13 pounds and a thickness of just 0.63 inches, this laptop is small and light. Even with the display lid somewhat flexing when opened, it feels inflexible when taken up. Compared to a standard LG Gram or Acer Swift laptop, which is somewhat lighter but about equal in girth, the Vivobook S 15 is notably stiffer.
Additionally, the laptop features two USB-A 3.2 Gen 1 connections, making it simple to attach a wired mouse and keyboard. A microSD card reader, a 3.5mm combination audio jack, and an HDMI 2.1 port are among the additional ports. This offers sufficient ports to accommodate both newer devices, the majority of which will utilize USB-C, and older devices that continue to use USB-A. Ethernet is the only port that is absent.
While it is a respectable addition to the Copilot Plus PC market, the Asus Vivobook S 15 finds it difficult to differentiate itself from the competition. As with other Copilot Plus PCs, it offers good performance, a long battery life, and a solid combination of wired and wireless connectivity. Additionally, I do not think Asus’ bland design is appropriate for a flagship laptop. However, if you are looking for a slim and light 15-inch laptop, the Vivobook S 15 beats out competitors like the Acer Swift Edge 16 and LG Gram 16.